Journals focused on the Oriental Studies 
alongside the points ascribed by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science
since 2019 (if the points have been ascribed)

  1. Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia, ISSN: 0860-6102, 2449-8653, 40 points

  2. Afryka, ISSN: 1234-0278

  3. Almanach Karaimski [Karaim almanac], ISSN: 2300-8164, 2353-5466

  4. Anabasis: Studia Classica et Orientalia, ISSN: 2082-8993, 100 points

  5. Analecta Nipponica, ISSN: 2084-2147

  6. Art of the Orient, ISSN: 2299-811X, 70 points

  7. Azja-Pacyfik : Społeczeństwo, Polityka, Gospodarka [Asia-Pacific: Society, Politics, Economy], ISSN: 1643-692X

  8. Cracow Indological Studies, ISSN: 1732-0917, 70 points

  9. Etudes et Travaux, ISSN: 2084-6762, 100 points

  10. Eurasian Prehistory, ISSN: 1730-8518

  11. Folia Orientalia, ISSN: 0015-5675

  12. Gdańskie Studia Azji Wschodniej [Gdansk Journal of East Asian Studies], ISSN: 2084-2902, 2353-8724, 40 points

  13. Hemispheres : studies on cultures and societies, ISSN: 0239-8818, 2449-8645, 20 points

  14. Karaite Archives, ISSN: 2353-2327

  15. Kwartalnik Historii Żydów-Jewish History Quarterly, ISSN: 1899-3044, 100 points

  16. Lehahayer, ISSN: 2082-6184

  17. Medżat - Studia Egiptologiczne, ISSN: 2300-3448

  18. Monitory Azjatyckie: Monitor Chiński, Monitor Japoński, ISSN: 2544-5898, 2544-591X

  19. Orient: Zeszyty Naukowe Koła Naukowego Orientalistów: ISSN: 1895-295X

  20. Orientalia Christiana Cracoviensia, ISSN: 2081-1330

  21. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, ISSN: 1234-5415, 100 points

  22. Pro Georgia : prace i materiały do dziejów stosunków gruzińsko-polskich, ISSN: 1230-1604, points

  23. Przegląd Orientalistyczny [Polish Review of Oriental Studies], ISSN: 0033-2283, 20 points

  24. Rocznik Orientalistyczny [Yearbook of Oriental Studies] , ISSN: 0080-3545, 70 points

  25. Scripta Biblica et Orientalia, ISSN: 2081-8416

  26. Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, ISSN: 1733-5760, 2084-3925, 40 points

  27. Silva Japonicarum, ISSN: 1734-4328

  28. Studia Indologiczne [Indological Studies], ISSN: 1232-4663

  29. Studia Judaica, ISSN: 1506-9729, 70 points

  30. Studia Orientalne [Oriental Studies], ISSN: 2299-1999, 40 points

  31. Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization, ISSN: 0083-4300, 2449-867X, 70 points

  32. Studies of the Department of African Languages and Cultures, nowadays called: Studies in African Languages and Cultures, ISSN: 0860-4649, 2545-2134, 40 points